
How Laser or Electrolysis Hair Removal Can Boost Confidence

Bummed out about unwanted hair? Thinking about laser or electrolysis hair removal? We’ll all agree that appearances don’t define us, but they do signal how we feel about ourselves.

Much of our day is spent consuming information; curated information that leaves us comparing ourselves to the clips and photos, mindlessly absorbing advertisements and versions of perfection. We tell our children not to judge a book by its covers while we do just that and choose a recipe because of the photo in the cookbook. I was recently choosing a practitioner and found myself leaning towards a professional based on the photos in their Instagram feeds. Looks seem superficial, but when you look good, you show up as your best self, and that signals self-respect.

Self-care preferences vary by individual and often include hair removal. Like other forms of self- care, hair removal can facilitate confidence and convey self-respect. I’ve seen many clients that inspired me with their inner beauty but felt inadequate or ashamed because of their facial hair. Once they started on their hair removal journey, their beauty became more evident, giving way to twinkles in their eyes.

There are many ways to do self-care. I believe that hair removal is a powerful way to feel more confident about your beauty, and am happy to be your guide. Book a laser or electrolysis hair removal session today!